CNC Settings categories are stored in the table {{%route%}}
Here is an example of creating the category of /actcii
. To demonstrate, we’ll create a migration which will be the following:
$newCategoryGroup = new CategoryGroup([
'name' => 'Акции'
$category = new Category();
$category->slug = 'actcii';
$category->parent_id = 0; // Category at the root
$category->category_group_id = $newCategoryGroup->id; // Specify the desired group category id
table for recording CNC categories and products template formation.(new Query())->createCommand()->insert(
'route' => 'shop/product/list',
'object_id' => Object::getForClass(Product::class)->id,
'url_template' => Json::encode([
'class' => 'app\\properties\\url\\StaticPart',
'static_part' => $category->slug,
'parameters' =>
'category_group_id' => $category->category_group_id,
'class' => 'app\\properties\\url\\PartialCategoryPathPart',
'category_group_id' => $category->category_group_id,
'class' => 'app\\properties\\url\\PropertyPart',
'property_id' => 8,
(new Query())->createCommand()->insert(
'route' => 'shop/product/show',
'object_id' => Object::getForClass(Product::class)->id,
'url_template' => Json::encode([
'class' => 'app\\properties\\url\\StaticPart',
'static_part' => $category->slug,
'parameters' =>
'category_group_id' => $category->category_group_id,
'class' => 'app\\properties\\url\\FullCategoryPathPart',
'category_group_id' => $category->category_group_id,
'class' => 'app\\properties\\url\\ObjectSlugPart',