DotPlant2 documentation

Web application configuration

DotPlant2 setting all main settings during installation.

This is a common Yii2 configuration.

You can tune DotPlant2 as any other Yii2 application.

Configuration files are locating in application/config directory.

Config directory structure:

    common.php          # Common properties for both console and web app
    console.php         # Core options for console application
    console-local.php   # Installation-specific console options
    db.php              # Core database configuration
    db-local.php        # Installation-specific database configuration
    params.php          # Additional app parameters(core config)
    params-local.php    # Additional app parameters(installation-specific config)
    web.php             # Web-application base config
    web-local.php       # Installation-specific web-app config

Default properties will be overridden in files (sorted by priority):


Local configuration files always overwrite a base settings.

For your settings we strongly recommend to use configuration files with suffix *-local.php only.

DataBase connection

If you need to change MySQL DB connection parameters you should do it in application/config/db-local.php file:


return [
    // change localhost to your MySQL db hostname if it differs
    'dsn' => 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=YOUR_DATABASE_NAME',
    'username' => 'YOUR_DATABASE_USERNAME',
    'password' => 'YOUR_DATABASE_PASSWORD',
    'charset' => 'utf8',
    'enableSchemaCache' => true,
    'schemaCacheDuration' => 3600,
    'schemaCache' => 'cache', // if you want to use another cache component for query results caching - enter it's id here

Backend settings

Since 2.0.0-beta version DotPlant2 has ability to configure some modules via backend.

For tuning go to Settings/Config administrative partition or to url YOUR_HOST/config/backend/index.

Data will have been saved to web-configurables.php, common-configurables.php, console-configurables.php files.

This settings may be overloaded by *-local.php configuration files only.

Important For correct working you should tuning background tasks.